29 April 2013

Scoring graph

Here's a graph of my scores to date:

The best result to date is card 16 with a 90.1 scored. The average is currently hovering around the 80 mark. Hopefully scores will continue to improve with practise, which is why I am doing some 10m target air-pistol shooting at home.

Practise session

Although rather cold on the outdoor range, shot card number 21 with the Mortimer. Used the old lube 12 setup [2:1 Olive oil:Tallow] and noticed the patches had stiffened up in the cold temperatures. Found that the ball had rolled off of the patch several times when reaching for the short-starter. 

Card 21

Although the elevation grouping was OK, I pushed most of the shots high left, mainly through inattention on my part. Ended up with a single 10 and a score of 77 with no X's.

Running average: 80.69
Detail score 77.0
Barrel count: 275
Cards: 21

4 April 2013

Lube recipe 13 might be OK

After three weeks waiting, I have just checked the state of lube recipe 13 [Tallow:Olive Oil - 1:4]. It has stayed as a thick liquid rather than setting hard as lube recipe 12 did [Tallow:Olive Oil - 1:2].

Lube recipe 13

The next step is to lube up some fresh patches with this mix, I'll also relube the recipe 12 patches [waste not-want not]. As it looks like there should be no issues with seating the ball on the patch at the end of the barrel, the only other checks are how the barrel swabs between shots, and how easy it is to clean at the end of the day's shoot, using just hot water and a drop of liquid soap.

If all goes well I will not have to create other recipes with the Beeswax, Lanolin, Neat's Foot Oil, Olive Oil, Tallow, Ballistol etc that I still have!