27 September 2013

Another practise card

Shot another practise card with the same recipe 17 lube. Very pleased with the loading and cleaning during the detail

Shot poorly though: only managed a disappointing 72 ex 100 with no v-bulls and no X's.

Opened another box of Hornady .350 balls. Only 300 still to go until I need to start casting my own .354 balls. Still trying to get a secondhand camping stove and a cast iron pan to melt the recycled lead with.

Detail score: 72.0
Running average: 80.15
Barrel count: 457
Cards: 35

1 September 2013

Lubricant found?

I think I have found my choice of patch lubricant to use in future! It's my recipe 17 - Ballistol:water 1:2. I wet the patches just before shooting the detail, then squeezed out any excess liquid. I then pull apart the damp patches and placed them, spread out, in an old percussion cap tin.

Although I dropped a couple of flyers, I started to get a good group in the center of the target, with two 'V-bulls' forming the score of 82.2 - I might need to drift the foresight slightly to the left.

Detail score: 82.2
Running average: 80.39
Barrel count: 444
Cards: 34

The loading was very easy and the swabs came out dirty, but not excessively so. I think I will stay with this lube, unless someone can show me something better!