17 May 2014

Lube 27C and round 8

Shot round 8 of the Kent Black Powder League using a modified lube recipe. I took recipe 27 and added more Neatsfoot Oil (version 27A and 27B). Eventually got to recipe 27C using the following recipe:

Beeswax:Lanolin:Neatsfoot Oil 2:1:12

The recipe is solid, although fairly soft. When you place a patch on top of the solid lube and then use a finger to move it about, the heat from the finger melts the lube and the patch is easily 'wetted'.

The result was:
The grouping isn't brilliant but I suspect that's due to a painful lower back condition rather that the lube. Balls were slightly harder to ram home, but no issued encountered. A lube recipe to keep for the future.

Session score: 87.0
Average: 80.28
Cards: 53
BC: 691
Std. Dev: 4.75

1 May 2014

Some air pistol practise

A few days ago I had the chance to do some proper 10m air pistol practise. Shooting three AIR 4/89 cards with the Steyr LP10 and H&N pellets, I was pleased to shoot around my black powder average on all three cards.


The first card [above] gave both an almost perfect 10.9 as well as two flyers. Final score was 80.2 with the 4-shot group in the 10 ring. Card two also gave an almost perfect shot with an X-ring 10.7 for a final 77.1 score. The final card gave a score of 79.1

Average: 76.73
BC: 110
PB: 85.0
Std.Dev.: 5.28