Second card using new no-fingertip grip
Shot in strings of 10, with a 15 minute break between each set. The first set was rushed, with only a few seconds between each shot. Managed to get the following scores =>
76.1 - 87.1 - 80.1
The session stats were:
Overall: 243.3 ex 300
Average: 81.10
Std.Dev: 4.55
which overall puts me on:
Barrel count: 410
Average: 77.33
PB: 90.0
Std.Dev: 6.44
Card 2 was the best card of the session. The 'new' grip means that the little finger is straight and doesn't touch the grip at all, the thumb is relaxed and applies no pressure to the grip, and the middle and ring finger are straightened and relaxed so that only the base of these fingers apply any pressure to the grip.