Round 9 - 81 ex 100
Beside two flyers off to the far left, most of the group was slightly low and to the left. The load was changed slightly, with 10.3gns of Krank's fine, 0.354 ball and a 0.010 patch, to see if the group tightened up. No change seen so I'll revert back to 9gns for this ball/patch combination.
The score of 81 did not affect my running average. My shooting stats are as follows:
Detail scores: 81
Running average: 79.9
Cards shot: 15
Personal best: 88.1
Barrel count: 196
I have enough .354 balls left to shoot round 10, then it's off to using .350 balls with either 0.012 or 0.015 patch and 9gns of Krank's FFFg. These are unlubed patches so some lube-brewing is needed.