29 January 2014

Round 6 and 7 after the Christmas break

Shot a very poor card for round 6 of the competition. The two month break between shooting did not help, even though I do some pistol stance exercises at the gym, three times a week.

For round 6 shot a 74.1 with a lot of high-right wild shots! Must remember to do some dry-fire practise, or some exercise, before shooting a comp card after a long break.

In round 7, I shot a much better 83.2, although the group was slightly to the right. The result of the poor R6 card and the better than average R7 card, means that the STD has increased above 1.0, and the average has dropped below 80.0

Detail score: 74.1 + 83.2
Running average: 79.98
Barrel count: 548
Std. Dev.: 2.27
Cards: 42

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