22 April 2014

Next lube trials

Here are the proposed lube recipes to be trialled next:

27 Beeswax:Lanolin:Neatsfoot Oil 2:1:4 - TBA looser than [18]

29 Tallow:Beeswax:Olive Oil 1:1:5 - TBA looser than [26]

28 Tallow:Beeswax:Paraffin:Neatsfoot Oil 2:1:2:2 by weight - TBA Gatofeo No.1 'modified' lube.

19 Beeswax:Olive Oil 1:6 - TBA version of successful [09]

23 Lanolin:Olive Oil 1:6 - TBA version of successful [09]

30 Paraffin:Olive Oil 1:6 - TBA version of successful [09]

The successful recipe lube [09] is/was:

09 Tallow:Olive Oil 1:6

Round 7 - Lube recipe 26

For round 7 I used lube recipe 26:

26 Tallow:Beeswax:Olive Oil 1:1:3 - this is a modified version of lube recipe [16] where the recipe was Tallow:Beeswax:Olive Oil 1:1:1.


This lube was better but it was still too stiff to lube the patches thoroughly. Each patch had to be lubed individually, making the fingers very greasy and slowing down the shooting such that I only just finished inside the thirty minute limit.

Although easier to load, the resulting group was very poor and very inconsistent.

The next lube recipes to be tested will be:

27 Beeswax:Lanolin:Neatsfoot Oil 2:1:4 - TBA looser than [18]

28 Tallow:Beeswax:Paraffin:Neatsfoot Oil 2:1:2:2 - Gatofeo No.1 'modified' lube.

29 Tallow:Beeswax:Olive Oil 1:1:5 - TBA looser than [26]

Session score: 76.0
Average: 80.15
Cards: 52
BC: 678
Std. Dev: 2.94

15 April 2014

Two lubes tested

Shooting two rounds of the Kent Summer BP leagues, took the opportunity to try lube recipe [16] on round 5, and lube [25] on round 6.

R5 loading with lube recipe [16] was hard going. Lube fairly stiff and difficult to lube the patches on both sides. Lube just sat on one side and did not soak through. Hard to load each time. Shot an 82.0, just above average:

R6 loading was a lot easier with lube recipe [25] - Henry Krank's Competition Lube (thanks for the try Don!). Patches easily wetted and loaded, but grouping poor. Sooty swabs after each shot. Managed an 81.1

Detail scores: 82.0 + 81.1
Running average: 80.23
Barrel count: 665
Cards shot: 51
Std.Dev: 1.25 improving to 0.61

12 April 2014

Discarded patches

Here is a photo of the discarded patches I sorted out while packaging groups of 13 in to little plastic 'shooting detail' bags for the firing point.

Other than the one bottom right (which is the wrong size, having been punched out while the material was folded over), all the patches show 'edging' where the material is a lot thicker than 0.015".

Lubes cooked up

All ready for today's shooting, four lube recipes to try and compare:

09 Tallow:Olive Oil 1:6
14 Tallow:Beeswax:Paraffin 2:1:2 by weight - Gatofeo No.1 lube.
16 Tallow:Beeswax:Olive Oil 1:1:1 - TBA [NZ Pistol lube].
18 Beeswax:Lanolin:Neatsfoot Oil 2:1:3 - TBA.

As you can see below, they all look very similar:

Only lube recipe [09] is liquid, the other three have all hardened due to the presence of the beeswax. Recipes [14] and [16] have solidified but are very soft, and they are the ones I will try today. Recipe [18] with the higher beeswax content is much harder. I am not sure how I will use this recipe to lube the patches.

10 April 2014

Lube prep

I've been going through my lube recipes list and have decided upon the next 4 to be tried. Using recipe [09] as the datum, I'll be mixing up and then trying the following three recipes:

14 Tallow:Beeswax:Paraffin 2:1:2 by weight - "Gatofeo No.1" lube.

16 Tallow:Beeswax:Olive Oil 1:1:1 - "NZ Pistol lube".

18 Beeswax:Lanolin:Neatsfoot Oil 2:1:3 - TBA.

Lube [14] has appeared, and been recommended, in so many BP forums, I though it was worth a try.

Lube [16] is a version of [15] but softer (less beeswax) and with the addition of the olive oil to make it thinner (less stiff) so easier to wet the patches and load in to the pistol. Might add more olive oil if it appears to be too stiff.

Lube [18] is a version of [07] but with increased neatsfoot oil to make it thinner. Might add more neatsfoot oil if it appears to be too stiff.

6 April 2014

Summer season R3 & 4 shot

On a reasonably sunny Saturday morning, shot rounds 3 and 4 of the summer season Kent County black powder leagues. Not sure what division I am in yet, but with a competition average of 77.0, I suspect I will be demoted to division 2.

Using the normal set up but with Dynamit Nobel 1075 caps and the 3:2 water:aqueous crème lube. Not very good! The lube fails to wet the patches fully as there were lots of dry areas on the patches, even after soaking for 5 minutes.

After each shot, the barrel was swabbed out and the 4 by 2's were very sooty. Even so, shot a personal best !!!

Shot a 92.1 with a reasonably tight group.

Detail score: 92.1
Running average: 80.31
Barrel count: 626
Std. Dev.: 8.34
Cards: 48

Then ruined the day with a very poor round 4 card. Shot only a 74.0 Using the Ballistol:water lube recipe, the resulting group opened way up. Will not use this recipe any more.

Detail score: 74.0
Running average: 80.18
Barrel count: 639
Std. Dev.: 4.37
Cards: 49

Next time I will modify the 3:2 water:aqueous crème lube recipe, to a wetter 4:2 water:aqueous crème mix. Hopefully the group will stay tight, whilst the patches are suitably 'wetted'.