22 April 2014

Round 7 - Lube recipe 26

For round 7 I used lube recipe 26:

26 Tallow:Beeswax:Olive Oil 1:1:3 - this is a modified version of lube recipe [16] where the recipe was Tallow:Beeswax:Olive Oil 1:1:1.


This lube was better but it was still too stiff to lube the patches thoroughly. Each patch had to be lubed individually, making the fingers very greasy and slowing down the shooting such that I only just finished inside the thirty minute limit.

Although easier to load, the resulting group was very poor and very inconsistent.

The next lube recipes to be tested will be:

27 Beeswax:Lanolin:Neatsfoot Oil 2:1:4 - TBA looser than [18]

28 Tallow:Beeswax:Paraffin:Neatsfoot Oil 2:1:2:2 - Gatofeo No.1 'modified' lube.

29 Tallow:Beeswax:Olive Oil 1:1:5 - TBA looser than [26]

Session score: 76.0
Average: 80.15
Cards: 52
BC: 678
Std. Dev: 2.94

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