27 December 2014

60-shot 10m Air Pistol practise

Very bad weather so rather than shoot black powder pistol, decided to do a 40/60 shot 10m Air Pistol practise session on the Club's indoor range (even though the air temperature was only 4degC on the range!).

Using the Steyr LP10 and H&N Finale Match pellets, without any warmup, started with a 40-shot session, shooting 10 shots per card:

Session score(s): 312.2 ex 400
Std. Dev: 2.65
Shot Average: 78.05

Then shot another two cards to complete a 60-shot practise session:


Session score(s): 464.3 ex 600
Std. Dev: 1.98
Shot Average: 77.38

The worst card was number #5 with a 74.1 scored, and the best was card #4 with an 80.1 None of the shot cards had all their shot holes in the black. The cold air temperature on the range meant that the trigger finger lost it's sensitivity of the trigger blade, hence several 'jerked' flyers. Final running stats as follows:


Running Average: 79.94
Std. Dev: 2.42
BC: 600
PB: 90.0


24 December 2014

2014 Summer season results finalised

Finally got to see the results of the Kent county Black Powder 2014 Summer Leagues competition.

Shooting in division 2 [out of 3], managed to end up with a creditable 3rd place [out of 7], with a shot average of 78.90 ex 100, for a bronze medal. My first black powder medal!

For the Kent county Black Powder 2014-15 Winter Leagues, I'm still shooting in
division 2 [out of 3], but I am the shooter with the highest average in that division.

13 December 2014

R8 shot

With the outdoor range registering only 2 deg C, only shot one card before the trigger finger became too cold.  As previous, just after the session started, the sun cleared the side of the range and appeared over the stop butt, in to the eyes of the shooter and reflecting off the pistol sights.

Using the 'usual' setup with the home lube recipe and a filler, shot an overall 82.0 with very easy loading. 

The three non-scoring shots were all flyers in the white. Scored 1 in the 10 ring!


Session score(s): 82.0

Running Average: 79.30
Cards: 69
BC: 870
PB: 92.1

Kent season shot average: 78.8
Kent season Std. Dev: 4.15

2 December 2014

Some 10m air pistol practise

Completed the 60-shot NSRA/Eley 10m air pistol competition on 19th November in a rushed session at the Club. Done as 10 cards with 4 shots on each, the best card returned a 35.1 and the worst a 28, for competition stats of 315.3 ex 400, with and average of 78.83 and a standard deviation of 2.65 (the lower this number, the more consistent the shooting) .

The end of November saw the start of the winter season for the Hendon League 10m air pistol competition. With a submitted average of 77.33, completed the round one six cards with 30-shots in total, with a 234 ex 300 and an average of 78.0 and a standard deviation of 2.77, so slightly up on average but with a worse standard deviation.The worst card was the first to be shot, with a 34.0 ex 40. The best was a 43.0

In order to avoid the Christmas range closures, took the opportunity the following available range session, to shoot round two of the Hendon League 10m air pistol competition. Finished the round with a 238 ex 300 and an average of 79.33, up on the round one results. The standard deviation was 1.60, showing a more consistent shoot, even though the session was rushed, and the range VERY cold at only 9degC. The worst card was the first to be shot, with a 37.0 ex 40. The best was a 42.0

Beginning of December took advantage of some quiet time at home to shoot an ex-200 practise on two cards. Shot an 86.0 followed by an 85.0 for an average of 85.5 and a standard deviation of 0.05

All in all a very good little session. I'm very happy with the 6-shot grouping on the last card, although I've since dropped the rear-sight on the Steyr LP10 two clicks, ready for the next session. Hopefully I can shortly get my running average up over 80.0 and my standard deviation consistently below 2.0!

Overall my air pistol stats are now as follows:


Std. Dev
Average: 2.46
Running Average: 79.94
BC: 600
PB: 90.0