27 December 2014

60-shot 10m Air Pistol practise

Very bad weather so rather than shoot black powder pistol, decided to do a 40/60 shot 10m Air Pistol practise session on the Club's indoor range (even though the air temperature was only 4degC on the range!).

Using the Steyr LP10 and H&N Finale Match pellets, without any warmup, started with a 40-shot session, shooting 10 shots per card:

Session score(s): 312.2 ex 400
Std. Dev: 2.65
Shot Average: 78.05

Then shot another two cards to complete a 60-shot practise session:


Session score(s): 464.3 ex 600
Std. Dev: 1.98
Shot Average: 77.38

The worst card was number #5 with a 74.1 scored, and the best was card #4 with an 80.1 None of the shot cards had all their shot holes in the black. The cold air temperature on the range meant that the trigger finger lost it's sensitivity of the trigger blade, hence several 'jerked' flyers. Final running stats as follows:


Running Average: 79.94
Std. Dev: 2.42
BC: 600
PB: 90.0


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