14 August 2015

More A/P practise

A 40-shot outdoor 10m air pistol session that again went badly wrong on a overcast and blustery morning.


Session score(s): 72.1 + 82 + 75 + 76
Session total: 305.1 ex 400
Session Average: 76.3
Std. Dev: 3.6

Running Average: 79.1
Running Std. Dev: 6.52
BC: 1790

Cylinder half empty by end of the session. Slight improvement in my running Std. Dev standing.

9 August 2015

Oh dear!

A 60-shot outdoor 10m air pistol session went badly wrong on a very hot and sunny morning. Could not concentrate properly in the heat.


Session score(s): 67 + 78.1 + 73 + 85 + 71 + 71
Session total: 445.1 ex 600
Session Average: 74.2
Std. Dev: 5.9

Running Average: 79.1
Running Std. Dev: 6.55
BC: 1750

This equated to 303.1 ex 400 on the first 4 cards. Most disappointing.So bad it worsened both my running average and my overall Std. Dev standings.

6 August 2015

Most successful A/P practise

Completed another outdoor 40-shot 10m air pistol session. Managed to beat my running average with all four cards. 


Session score(s): 82 + 82.1 + 80.1 + 80.1
Session total: 324.3 ex 400
Session Average: 81.1
Std. Dev: 1.0

Running Average: 79.3
Running Std. Dev: 6.51
BC: 1690

4 August 2015

Some indoor 10m A/P practise

Completed a 40-shot practise session. Started off poorly, but ended with the final card beating my average.


Session score(s): 70 + 76.1 + 80 + 84.1
Session total: 310.2 ex 400
Session Average: 77.6
Std. Dev: 5.2

Running Average: 79.2
Running Std. Dev: 6.58
BC: 1650

Usual setup. Both cylinders topped up after the shoot.

Pistol: Steyr LP10 [single-shot pre-charged]
Pellets: 4.49mm RWS R10 Match

30 July 2015

Some outdoor A/P practise

Shot a 40-shot outdoor session of 10m air pistol. The cards were lower scoring than expected; my excuses are rapidly changing light levels, distracting background, and a variable cross wind!


Session score(s): 76 + 78 + 79 + 75
Session total: 308 ex 400
Session Average: 77.0
Std. Dev: 1.6

Running Average: 79.3
Running Std. Dev: 6.60
BC: 1610

Shot the session as two 20-shot details, with a 15-minute break inbetween. Completed the cards far too quickly, which showed in the flyers!

Pistol: Steyr LP10 [single-shot pre-charged]
Pellets: 4.49mm RWS R10 Match


28 July 2015

End of the Kent County KCSSA summer season

On a reasonably warm range, with no pressures of Range Officer duty to contend with, managed to shot the final two rounds of the black powder summer season league.

For round 9 I shot an impressive [for me!] 89.1 Managed to get three shots key-holing in the 9-ring at 6 o/c, with all 13 shots in the black, and 12 of those shots inside the 8-ring.

Round 9

Slightly tired, I then shot round 10 straight afterwards. Shot an 85.0 that was spoilt by a flyer out in the white at 4 o/c. Nice close 4 shot grouping in the 9 and 10-ring at 6 o/c. 

I need to raise up the rearsight slightly to raise up the shot holes.

Round 10

Session score(s): 89.1 + 85

Running Average: 79.44
Running Std. Dev: 3.93
BC: 1013
PB: 92.1
Cards: 80

Kent summer season - shot average: 79.2
Kent summer season - Std. Dev: 6.30

Overall the Kent season average and std.dev. was affected by the poorly shot 66.0 in round 8! Ended the season with the following set up:

Pistol: .36 Mortimer
Powder: 9.1gns of Swiss No.1
Lubricant: 1:6 Tallow:Olive Oil [recipe 9]

Patches: 0.015" John Tanner
Balls: .350" Hornady
Filler: 6.5gns of coarse ground semolina

24 June 2015

Good Air Pistol practise session

Completed a 40-shot practise session with the Steyr this morning. Although the first card had several disappointing flyers, once I had warmed up, the scores improved. Especially the third card.


Session score(s): 76 + 84 + 88.1 + 82
Session total: 330.1 ex 400
Session Average: 82.5
Std. Dev: 4.4

Running Average: 79.3
Running Std. Dev: 6.67
BC: 1570

Using the new setup for the session:

Pistol: Steyr LP10 [single-shot pre-charged]
Pellets: 4.49mm RWS R10 Match

Here is a graph of the scores so far with the Steyr:

14 June 2015

Some more air pistol practise

Did an ex-400 practise session with the following set-up:

Pistol: Steyr LP10 [single-shot pre-charged]
Pellets: 4.49mm RWS R10 Match

By the end of the session, had moved the windage 8 clicks to the right. The range was not too cold this time, but the poor lighting is still causing problems with the sight picture. 

Had several flyers caused by snatching the trigger having been on aim for too long, causing me to drop 5 to 8 points in each 10-shot string.


Session score(s): 79 + 79.1 + 85 + 75
Session total: 318.1 ex 400
Session Average: 79.5
Std. Dev: 3.6

Running Average: 79.3
Running Std. Dev: 6.70
BC: 1530

10 June 2015

Practise 30-shots @ 10m

Did a three card 30-shot air pistol practise on the club range. Very consistent session with scores of 80.1 + 83 + 80.1 with a nice 5-shot group on the last card:

although I did snatch the trigger after a long hold causing a flyer off at 3 o'clock. Usual setup of Steyr LP10 and 4.49mm H&N Finale Match


Session score(s): 80.1 + 83 + 80.1
Session total: 243.2 ex 300
Session Average: 81.1
Std. Dev: 1.4

Running Average: 79.3
Running Std. Dev: 6.77
BC: 1490

22 May 2015

Poor quality A/P practise and some new pellets

On a slightly cold range, a rushed 70-shot practise session at 10M air pistol. After the initial 10-shot warm up, ended up with the following stats for the session:


Session total: 432 ex 600
Session Average: 72.0

Running Average: 79.2
Running Std. Dev: 6.83
BC: 1460

Did make some changes during the session: moved rearsight elevation 20 clicks H to lower the grouping;  moved rearsight5 clicks R to shift the group to the left slightly.

Also shot several of the cards with RWS R10 Match 4.49mm ammunition. This is only £8/500 compared to H&N Finale Match 4.49mm ammunition at £11/500. The
RWS R10 Match pellets have a slightly thicker skirt than the H&N, and are a little easier to seating when loading.

18 May 2015

R8 = BAD

Very poor round 8 shot on a very busy, noisy and congested range. Managed only a 66.0 to increase the standard deviation to a truly massive 9.36.

The running average for the Kent competition is now a disappointing 77.3 with an std.dev of 5.43

Overall I am now running an overall 79.24 black powder average. 

2 May 2015

Getting ahead with the Kent Black Powder Leagues

On a slightly warmer range than recent weekends, managed to shoot rounds 6 and 7 of the summer season league. Using the normal setup:

Pistol: .36 Mortimer
Powder: 10.1gns of Swiss No.1
Patches: 0.015"  Ox-Yoke prelubed
Balls: .350" Hornady
Filler: 6.5gns of coarse ground semolina

shot the first of the two cards, round 6, for an 81.0

This set the Std.Dev to date to 1.12 indicating a card shot very close to current average. Without a break, shot the second card, round 7, for an 80.0

Although there is a pair of keyholed shots in the 9-ring at 1 o'clock, the card suffered several flyers due to lack of concentration following an incident on the range mid way through the card. Whilst cleaning the barrel after shot number 7, the jag holding the cleaning swab, snapped off at the bottom of the barrel:

I was unable to extract it from the muzzle end, so had to try another [successful] method; remove the access screw from the percussion nipple housing, carefully drop in 3-4 grains of black powder, reinsert the access screw, cap the nipple and then fire carefully downrange. Thankfully the small 'explosion' ejected the remains of the jag and swab.

I then went on to complete the card!


Session score(s): 81 + 80

Overall Running Average: 79.42
BC: 974
PB: 92.1

Kent summer season - shot average: 78.9
Kent summer season - Std. Dev: 3.60

25 April 2015

End of the Hendon Leagues for the winter 2014-2015 season

Finally got round to shooting round 7 of the Hendon Air Pistol Winter Leagues. On a slightly warmer range, started out badly, but rallied by card 4 to end up with a reasonable 243.2


Session score(s): 38 + 34 + 43 + 42 + 42.1 + 44.1
Session total: 243.2 ex 300
Session Average: 81.1
Std. Dev: 7.0

Running Average: 79.6
Running Std. Dev: 6.64
BC: 1390

The normal set-up is:

Pistol: Steyr LP10 [single-shot pre-charged]
Pellets: 4.49mm H&N Finale Match

13 April 2015

Kent Summer rounds 3 & 4 with a new load

On the outdoor range with the air temperature initially at 14degC, shot round 3 of the Kent summer season with a slightly different loading setup:

Pistol: .36 Mortimer
Powder: 10.1gns of Swiss No.1
Patches: 0.015"  Ox-Yoke prelubed
Balls: .350" Hornady
Filler: 6.5gns of coarse ground semolina

Using an increased powder load, with the tighter fitting 0.015 patches. A low centered group resulted in a 75.1 score after a very heavy cloud-burst half way through:

As the temperature dropped, shot round 4. Although the card had several very wild flyers, managed to recover the card with 6 shots in the 9-ring for an 80.0 score:


Session score(s): 75.1 + 80

Overall Running Average: 79.34
Overall Running Std. Dev: 0.47
Cards: 75
BC: 948
PB: 92.1

Kent summer season - shot average: 77.1
Kent summer season - Std. Dev: 3.69

9 April 2015

Start of the Kent Black Powder summer season

Started off the summer black powder season with the following setup:

Pistol: .36 Mortimer
Powder: 9.1gns of Swiss No.1
Patches: 0.010" 

Percussion caps: Number 11 - Dynamit Nobel
Lubricant: 1:2:12 Lanolin:Beeswax:Neats Foot Oil
Balls: .350" Hornady
Filler: 6.5gns of coarse ground semolina

On a day when the range temperature was around 13degC, the first card produced too many flyers to give a good score:

Overall the card scored as a 72 ex 100 with none in the 10-ring.

For the round 2 card I decided to change the patch to a thicker 0.015 Ox-Yoke prelubed. I went with the prelubed as I didn't have any of the plain 0.015 J.T. Tanner patches with me.

Patches: 0.015"  Ox-Yoke prelubed

This resulted in a tighter group with the 10 scoring shots all touching or inside the black.

With the thicker patch, and slightly harder loading, the final card score was an 81.1


Session score(s): 72 - 81.1
Session Average: 76.60

Kent season Average: 76.60

Kent season Std. Dev: 4.55

Running Average: 79.39
Barrel count: 922

For round 3 I will stay with the thicker patch set up.

A/P practise

Did some 10m air pistol practise by shooting round 6 of the Hendon Leagues. Again I made the mistake of shooting on a very cold indoor range. At only 4degC I quickly lost most of the sensation in my fingers. The result was a very poor session.


Session total: 216.1 ex 300
Std. Dev: 6.62

Running Average: 79.5
Running Std. Dev: 6.62

BC: 1330

It was bad enough to drop my average below 80 once more!

8 March 2015

Another cold shoot

Another 30-shot practice session completed on the cold 10m range at the club. Using my normal Steyr setup, the first two cards were poor as I hadn't warmed up or done any stretching exercises before starting, and the last card, although reasonable, started to spread out as the fingers on my right hand got a lot colder.

The last card - 85.0 ex 100

Ended up with the following stats:


Session score(s): 70.1 - 72 - 85
Session total: 227.1 ex 300
Session Average: 75.7

Running Average: 79.9
Running Std. Dev: 6.43

Barrel count: 1270

The poor session has resulted in the running average dropping below 80.0 [bad], while pushing up the standard deviation [bad].

25 February 2015

Practise, practise and more practise

Completed a 40-shot practice session at the range today. I am still being affected by the coldness on range (it was 7 degC), as was shown in the scores achieved. A good (ish) group on the second card showed that my 'natural' sight picture was putting the shots about 10mm high. Adjusted the rearsight by 5 clicks 'H'. This seems to have worked in terms of elevation in the subsequent groups.


Session score(s): 73.1 - 84 - 84 - 77
Session total: 318.1 ex 400
Session Average: 79.50
Std. Dev: 4.7

Running Average: 80.0
Running Std. Dev: 6.39

Had hoped to shot my average, but several flyers resulted in the below 80 cards.

22 February 2015

Round 10 - the end of the Kent Black Powder winter league

On another very cold morning on the outdoor range, finally managed to shoot round 10 of the Kent winter Black Powder Leagues. Using the standard setup, managed to shoot on the first detail and score an 83.1 with a slightly high grouping.


Pistol: .36 Mortimer
Powder: 9.1gns of Swiss No.1
Patches: 0.010"
Lubricant: 1:2:12 Lanolin:Beeswax:Neats Foot Oil
Balls: .350" Hornady
Filler: 6.5gns of coarse ground semolina


Session score(s): 83.1

Running Average: 79.47
Std. Dev: 2.57

Kent season shot average: 80.0
Kent season Std. Dev: 4.57

Finally, managed to gain my main objective and shoot an 80.0 average for the competition. Hopefully the next seasons competitions will see the running average also climb to over 80.0

19 February 2015

10m A/P Hendon round 5

Managed to get some range time to complete a 60-shot course of fire with the Steyr LP10 air pistol. After shooting the 30-shot Hendon round 5 cards, I then shot three 10-shot practise cards. The combined scores were then combined to give a 60-shot score for submission to the 'Targetshooting Canada postal match'.

The six Hendon round 5 cards scored as 46 - 38 - 44 - 40 - 44 - 43 ex 50. The second card was disappointing with 2 shots in the 7-ring. No shots in the white!

This was my best ever ex 300 shoot.


Session total: 255.3 ex 300
Session Average: 85.1
Std. Dev: 5.5

For the three 10-shot practise cards, I scored 74.0 - 88.1 - 83.1 ex 100. 

What could have been a very impressive card (possibly a 92.1), was spoiled when I was distracted when at the crucial moment, someone blundered, VERY LOUDLY, on to the range!


Session total: 245.2 ex 300
Session Average: 81.7
Std. Dev: 5.8

The first card was again affected by the creeping coldness of the indoor range.

At the end of the session, I entered the stats in to the shooting logbook (spreadsheet) and realised that I had finally improved my running average to 80.0 Next objective is to improve it to 85.0 or better!


Session total: 5
00.5 ex 600
Session Average: 83.4

Running Average: 80.0
Running Std. Dev: 6.44

Graph of shot scores (ex 100) achieved with the Steyr LP10 air pistol:

11 February 2015

NSRA/ELEY national Postal Competition - stage 2

Finally got round to shooting stage 2 of the NSRA/ELEY Postal Competition. It is a 40-shot 10m air pistol competition shot over 10 cards, all on the same day.

Of the ten cards, card nine gave the best score with a 38.1 ex 40 (giving 95 ex 100, which beats my best 10-shot card score). 

Worst card was a 32.0 (80).


Session total: 346.3 ex 400
Session Average: 90.8
Std. Dev: 4.9

Running Average: 79.7
Running Std. Dev: 6.38

 The session total of 346.3 ex 400 is my best ever ex400 score so far. The session average of 90.8 is also the best ever achieved.

Hopefully the score will me good enough to get me a place in the final that is to be shot at the NSRA Lord Roberts Range at Bisley. 

20 January 2015

Some 10m air pistol practise

A 40-shot 10m air pistol practise, shot at home where the 'range' is a bit warmer! Being able to feel the trigger as it wasn't so cold, the shot scores greatly improved.

Practise card 1 was the first surprise of the session - all the shots were in the black, also manged to get 2 shots in the V-bull, and all shots inside the 8-ring. Elevation slightly low. Card was scored as a 91.2 - A NEW PERSONAL BEST.

Practise card 2 was also a good card, again with another V-bull. Elevation improved. Checked the cylinder on the air pistol and prior to this card, it measured 105 bar remaining.
Card was scored an 89.1

Practise card 3 had the only flyer of the session, caused by inattention to shooting while thinking about the lower back pain that was starting. It was the last shot of the string of 10.  Card was scored an 87.2 Best ever central group with 2 V-bulls and 2 in the 10-ring.

Practise card 4 was the final 10-shot string, scoring an 87.0 with an 'amost' flyer. 


Session score(s): 354.5 ex 400
Std. Dev: 1.70
Shot Average: 88.63

Running Average: 78.84
Std. Dev: 2.52
BC: 640
PB: 91.2

17 January 2015

Good round 9 shot

On a very cold Saturday morning (3 deg C on the outdoor range), managed to shoot round 9 of the Kent Winter Black Powder League before I started to lose all sensation in my fingers.

Using the now standard set up of:

Pistol: .36 Mortimer
Powder: 9.1gns of Swiss No.1
Patches: 0.010"
Lubricant: 1:2:12 Lanolin:Beeswax:Neats Foot Oil
Balls: .350" Hornady
Filler: 6.5gns of coarse ground semolina

managed to shoot a very pleasing 87.0 No 'V' bulls, but the first shot was the 10!

Two almost 10's, but the scoring rules state 50% of the shot hole must be over the line for the higher score to count. First time in ages that one of the three shots not to count was in the 8-ring. Usually they are 6's or 7's. Also first time in ages they were all in the black!


Session score(s): 87.0

Running Average: 79.42
Std. Dev: 5.36
Cards: 70
BC: 883
PB: 92.1

Kent season shot average: 79.7
Kent season Std. Dev: 4.69