20 January 2015

Some 10m air pistol practise

A 40-shot 10m air pistol practise, shot at home where the 'range' is a bit warmer! Being able to feel the trigger as it wasn't so cold, the shot scores greatly improved.

Practise card 1 was the first surprise of the session - all the shots were in the black, also manged to get 2 shots in the V-bull, and all shots inside the 8-ring. Elevation slightly low. Card was scored as a 91.2 - A NEW PERSONAL BEST.

Practise card 2 was also a good card, again with another V-bull. Elevation improved. Checked the cylinder on the air pistol and prior to this card, it measured 105 bar remaining.
Card was scored an 89.1

Practise card 3 had the only flyer of the session, caused by inattention to shooting while thinking about the lower back pain that was starting. It was the last shot of the string of 10.  Card was scored an 87.2 Best ever central group with 2 V-bulls and 2 in the 10-ring.

Practise card 4 was the final 10-shot string, scoring an 87.0 with an 'amost' flyer. 


Session score(s): 354.5 ex 400
Std. Dev: 1.70
Shot Average: 88.63

Running Average: 78.84
Std. Dev: 2.52
BC: 640
PB: 91.2

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