2 April 2017

Summer season starts here

As is usual with postal shooting competitions, the new season has started before the final results of the previous season are in.

The winter KCSSA 25yd short-range prone rifle competition was a travesty. Shooting comps for the first time at my new club, I failed in a big way to match my 'shot for average' cards. Prior to the winter season starting, I shot a 96.4 ex 100 average. This is around my previous club average. So far so good!

But, (and my excuse is the pressure of [a] shooting for a new club, [b] shooting on a new range, etc, etc), with only cards scored to round 6 confirmed, I am currently sitting on a disappointing 92.5 ex 100 average. That's a decrease of 3.9 on the submitted average. Very poor. My days in the 'A' team were numbered...

With the summer season KCSSA 25yd short-range prone rifle competition starting with a submitted entry average of 93.8, I have so far shot a 93, 93 and 95. This makes me -0.1 down on average overall, but with a tight 0.94 standard deviation.

The cards were shot in one session using my iron-sights Anshutz 1913, a Hammerhead sight extension, rearsight diopter (and switching between yellow and red filters as the light went up and down), and Eley Team (blue box) ammuntion.

Needless to say I'm in the 'B' team this season!

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