16 February 2013

Range prep

Getting ready for the next range visit:

# Mixed up a batch of new patch lube - used tallow and olive oil in a 1:2 ratio. Melted the tallow over a low heat and then added the olive oil. The lube soaked in to the patches very easily, but after a few days, the patches have stiffened. Depending on the results, I might loosen up the mixture by adding some more olive oil.

# Loaded up 13 phials with 9gns of Swiss No.1 powder. Noticed that this powder is a lighter grey colour rather than the black of Kranks FFFg, and it also has white flecks in it. This powder is twice the price [~£65 kilo] of Kranks FFFg [~£17 1/2 kilo], so it would have to give a big improvement in the results obtained to justify itself.

# Cut up a flannelette sheet to provide hundreds of 4by2 cleaning patches. A lot cheaper than buying very expensive rolls of 2by4 on eBay.

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