10 March 2013

Different lube used

For today's trip to the range, I used lube mixture 12 - Tallow:Olive Oil in ratio 1:2. This mixture sets to a fairly soft solid, but stiffens up on the patches. I found I could not seat the ball in the top of the muzzle without the lubed patch pushing it back out. Also noticed that the patches were hard to separate from each other. On the other hand, cleaning afterwards was VERY fast with hardly any soot to come out of the bottom of the barrel. Recommended lube mix!

Highest 10 count

Although only shooting an 87.0 I did shoot my best ever 10 count with 3 scoring shots. The two fliers in the white were due to me snatching the trigger after being on aim for too long.

The group is slight too low again but I think this is correctable with lots of practise. The rest of the setup for this card was 9gns Swiss No.1, 0.015 JT patches and Hornady .350 balls.

Running average: 80.88
Detail score 87.0
Barrel count: 262
Cards: 20

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