10 March 2014

Lube recipe [09] Tallow:Olive Oil 1:6

Started off Saturday's practise with a modified setup (indicated in red):

Mortimer pistol in .36
0.015 patch [from JT Tanner]
6:1 olive oil:tallow lube [homemade - recipe 09]
0.350 lead balls [from Hornady]
11 grains Swiss Number 1 [from Starley]
1075 percussion caps [from Dynamit Nobel]

The patches were 'wetted' with less lube than last time, so as to help reduce the 'splatter' when loading. I did this by adding more and more dry patches to the lube in the tin, until the new patches stayed dry. This lube recipe is slightly stiffer than the previous one, and loading is a little harder.

The powder load was upped from 10 grains to 11 grains of Swiss No.1. I also made an accurate check on the powder dispenser used. After setting it up for '11 grains', the phials were loaded. I then weighed all the phials and grouped them according to weight. Once I had 13 filled phials of the same weight (accurate to 0.01 of a gram), they were batched together for a card. 

Went back to using the Dynamit Nobel 1075 caps as I have a lot of them available. Of the 26 shots fired today, I had one misfire. The hammer fell but the cap failed to go off. After recocking, the cap went off on the second firing.

The first practise card had several flyers that I believe were down to the patches. While loading I noticed several were taken from the edge of the material. These had 'edging seams' on them, making them slight thicker on one side. For the second card, any patches like this were discarded.

Detail score: 81.0
Running average: 79.84

The shots all appeared to be slightly to the right, so I might need to drift the foresight to the right, to bring the shots to the left. I will confirm this after the second practise card.

A fantastic second practise card. Almost equalled by PB of 90.1 A good group horizontally, with some vertical drifting (inconsistent sight picture due to outdated spectacles prescription!). I will drift the foresight to the right.

Detail score: 90.0
Running average: 80.06
Barrel count: 613
Std. Dev.: 7.03
Cards: 47

Managed to get the running average back up over 80 ex 100. Also managed to get 12 of the 13 shots in the black. The wayward shot was a 5 o'clock magpie, straddling the 6/7 line.


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