30 June 2013

Water:Ballistol 1:1 lube

For round 8 I shot the card using the homemade 1:1 Ballistol:Water lube. This resulted in a 77.1 ex 100 being scored.

Round 8

The group appears to be a lot bigger than round 7, but the loading was a lot easier. Both the short starter and the long starter were very easy to use and the ball seated fully every time.

This time the lube was applied at the range. I made up a small batch of 1:1 Ballistol:Water lube in a plastic container, then when at the range, I placed 13 patches in an old .22 ammo box and added enough lube to fully wet them. They were then seperated out ready for use.

1:1 Ballistol:Water lube swabs

Although I though it was was issue at first, the swabs (again after 5, 9 and 13 shots), were dirtier than the round 7 Wonderlube patches. What it actually means is that after each shot the soot is remaining soft and being easily removed by the swab, hence the ball seating easily every time.

It might mean that I need to try a slightly higher powder load to see if the groups tightens back up when using this lube. I might also try the Wonderlube again but using a thinner patch such as 0.012 or 0.010

Detail score: 77.1
Running average: 80.06
Barrel count: 366
Cards: 28

Managed to get the average back over 80!

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