9 October 2014

Practising at home.

Although I cannot get the full distance (only 9.87m) and slightly too low (53 inches rather than 55 inches), I have been practising at home. Although only a 20-shot practise, it tested that the setup worked and that the light was adequate. Using the Steyr LP10 and the H&N finale match pellets (4.49mm), I shot an 80.0 and an 83.0 for stats of:

Session Stats
Average: 81.50
Std. Dev: 1.50

Overall Stats
BC: 470
Running Average: 77.76
Running Std. Dev: 6.18
PB: 90.0

The 'aim' is to try and get my air pistol average to 80.0 by the end of the year., althoug I'd be quite happy to pass 78.0 while improving by X-ring count!

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