18 October 2014

Starting the KCSSA winter season with new balls!

Shot the first card of the Kent County black powder leagues this morning. After a 10-shot warm up to adjust to the percussion pistol trigger instead of the air pistol trigger, managed a better than average 85.0

Although not a tight a group as I would have liked, the final score, with only two flyers, was most acceptable. The setup was different from usual in both balls and patches:

Pistol: .36 Mortimer
Powder: 9.5gns of Swiss No.1
Patches: 0.01" Ox-Yoke pre-lubed
Balls: .350" home cast round balls using a Lee mould

Normally I would use 0.015" patches with a .350" ball, but the home made balls are slightly harder than the Hornady balls that I usually shoot with. This is due to the 'impure' mixture of lead in the melting pot: recovered round balls, unshot round balls, recovered .38 and .357 heads shot by underlever rifles, unshot and recovered air pistol pellets.

They seem to do well, and once I get a suitable burner to melt the lead, I'll cast some more!

Session score: 85.0
Average: 79.47
Cards: 62
BC: 779
Std. Dev: 3.91

Kent season shot average: 85.0


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